  • Citationsy is a no-nonsense reference collection and bibliography creation tool for people who value simplicity, privacy, and speed. There's no tracking, and we don't sell or give your data to anyone.
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  • A free Product development focused newsletter written by @marieprokopets and @hnshah, co-founders of @usefyi🚀
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    Product Habits
  • Maze is a user testing platform that turns your prototype into actionable insights from real users, bringing confidence to the design process.
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  • Make Lottie animations or dynamic web components using Animator's timeline, stage, and design tool integrations.
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  • Draft any of 6 most commonly used contracts for startups in few minutes by answering simple questions. No registration required. We can personalize your documents for you by adding logo and some custom language upon registration. Used by YC companies.
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  • Aiko Meet is the first video conferencing solution built with AI. Audio is automatically subtitled, and you'll receive a full transcript at the end of your call! Take calls right in your browser with a custom link (no extensions, no installs), fully private.
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  • Egloo.me is a free, easy & customizable bio page. You are more than a short bio!
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