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Build a company with free resources
  • VGS’ #ZeroData platform lets you maximize the value of sensitive data while staying fully compliant with #PCI, #SOC2, #CCPA & #GDPR💪 #datasecurity
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  • Mentioned.app is a simple analytics tool that lets you track your website mentions in real-time. Receive an email notification every time your website is mentioned. Track site visits from each link and measure value. Best part? It's Free.
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  • Find top 1% of hand-curated 500+ tools and resources of interest to developers, designers, makers, founders, marketers & crypto enthusiasts in general. Save 200+ hours. 40+ different categories. Database of 500+ tools. Access, Filter, Grow. & Much more.
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  • Tome’s new storytelling format gives your work the edge it deserves. Build a powerful story with any type of content: live embeds, prototypes, 3D renderings & more. Frictionless drag-and-drop creation lets you focus on your idea and trust Tome with the rest.
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