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Save for Later
Saved products for later
  • Track your receipts and manage expenses the easiest way with Receipt Lens! Get instant receipt reading and expense report with just one tap.
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    Receipt Lens
  • FindMyInvoice is a free Gmail extension that saves you time by organizing and tracking incoming invoices, bills, and statements. FindMyInvoice ensures your documents are saved and organized - automatically.
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  • Be transparent with your users and honor their privacy, whilst respecting UX, too. Confirmic is the new way to ask users for cookie consent that doesn’t sacrifice usability. A plug-and-play widget feels native on just about any site. Previously called Metomic.
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  • Cue is a social proof and CRO tool that will help you turn visitors into paying customers. It displays bubble-style notifications which leverages social proof, FOMO and urgency signals to increase your authority and convert your visitors.
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  • Optimize link preview for any social networks and messengers. Use A/B tests and a get full statistic report. ⠀ Upload your image → Enter a title and description → Get a new link with a beautiful preview → Receive insights about who are clicking and when
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  • In Wicked Templates you can find templates made with Bulma and Tailwind CSS ready to style them as you wish to.
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    Wicked Templates