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  • What strategies do you use to keep yourself calm during the week of the launch?!

    Rahul Aluri
    22 replies
    Launching soon and can't wait to hear your thoughts!


    Ishan -
    Get up in the morning and run. I've found it to burn away the calories and anxiety!
    Rahul Aluri
    @ishan_2 sounds like a great plan! You should probably run a lot more this week!
    Ishan -
    @rahul_aluri - I ran my 13.1 miles on Saturday. You can see it in the calm I'm bringing to work. What say @psrihariv ?
    Rahul Aluri
    @psrihariv @ishan_2 too much of calmness I have experienced today.
    Srihari Pratapa
    @rahul_aluri @ishan_2 I am thinking of picking back up meditation this week again :)
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    Is this possible? 😂😂😂 I just do my best.
    Rahul Aluri
    @olena_bomko Hahahah! Best wishes for your upcoming launch.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @rahul_aluri Thank you!
    Sam D.
    @olena_bomko you killed it hahahah
    Eugene Sanders
    Usually, I stick to a routine and break the workload into smaller tasks.
    Rahul Aluri
    @sanders1_eugene this is super interesting. Gonna try it out this week. Thank you!
    The Product Dose
    As a senior product manager with 7 years of experience in startup launching phases, maintaining composure during the week of a launch is crucial. Here are some strategies I've found effective: Comprehensive Planning: Thoroughly plan and prepare in advance. Having a well-defined launch plan, timelines, and contingencies in place helps alleviate last-minute uncertainties. Clear Communication: Foster open communication within the team. Regular updates and addressing concerns help reduce misunderstandings and keep everyone aligned. Delegation and Trust: Delegate tasks to capable team members and trust their expertise. Micromanaging can lead to unnecessary stress. Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporate mindfulness techniques and meditation into your routine. These practices can help you stay centered and manage stress effectively. Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a balanced lifestyle with proper sleep, exercise, and nutrition. Physical well-being contributes to emotional resilience. Focus on Milestones: Break down the launch week into manageable milestones. Celebrate small victories along the way to boost morale. Contingency Planning: Anticipate potential challenges and develop contingency plans. Knowing you have strategies to handle unexpected situations can reduce anxiety. Positive Visualization: Visualize the successful outcome of the launch. Positive visualization can create a sense of confidence and calmness. Time Management: Prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. Effective time management prevents last-minute rushes. Support Network: Reach out to mentors, colleagues, or friends who can provide advice and emotional support. Discussing concerns with someone can provide fresh perspectives. Breathing Exercises: Practice deep breathing exercises to instantly calm your mind and reduce stress in high-pressure situations. Learn from Past Launches: Reflect on past launches to identify what worked well and areas for improvement. Applying lessons learned can streamline the current launch process. Remember, staying calm during a launch requires a combination of mental preparation, emotional resilience, and a supportive environment. Each launch is an opportunity for growth and learning, so approach it with a positive mindset. You can hear more stories from our product manager at theproductdose.com blog.
    Rahul Aluri
    @theproductdose this is really insightful. Thank you for being patient and sharing such a thoughtful note.
    Dennis Aronov
    With any exciting event coming up, nerves are normal. In those days leading up to something big, I think finding opportunities to do thing you love are a great way of calming yourself. If you get to distract yourself and let your brain relax for even a few minutes, it can make a world of a difference.
    Rahul Aluri
    @dennis_aronov thanks for these thoughts! Will try out a few things this week. I see you're also launching soon! I notified for it :). Best wishes for the launch.
    I find solace in the good ol' "check, double check, triple check" routine for my product. Ensuring everything's in place gives me a sense of control. And when I need a refreshing break, spending quality time with my furry friends – my pups – is my perfect remedy for a calm mind. 🚀
    Sam D.
    Might not be strategies, just a focus on what's important : - Reply to all customers/leads questions - taking care of customers feedbacks for improvements
    Annie Patterson
    Launch weeks are crazy. Keeping a clear schedule, some meditation or exercise helps.
    Developer X
    Do works in time, know the borders of life and work, do not take anything as personal.
    Maybe meditation and help of god of course ðŸĪŠ
    Shajedul Karim
    mate, launch week jitters? totally get it. it's a mix of excitement and existential dread. first, breathe. sounds basic, but oxygen to the brain is a game-changer. write it down. list out what you can control and what you can't. focus on the former. don't just sit there, move! exercise shifts your physiology and mental state. schedule downtime. trust me, the world won't implode if you take a 15-minute break. take time for mini-check-ins. ask yourself, 'what do i need right now?' crowdsourcing support doesn't hurt. lean on your community, but don't lean too hard. the stoics got it right: differentiate between things within your control and things outside it. at the end of the day, a launch is a moment in time. there will be others. so, friend, how can you make this launch week a chapter, not the whole story?