How was your launch? Share your experience.

Oleg from FirstHR
6 replies
Share whether your expectations matched reality, what problems you encountered, what was unexpected for you, and what your thoughts are from the launch.


Nick from FirstHR
btw, my experience here:
Liam Patrick O'Connor
It went well! Lots of positive feedback and signups. My biggest tips: 1) Prep as much content/assets ahead of time as you can. 2) Engage with commenters to build momentum. 3) Have a clear CTA on your PH page. 4) Get hunter upvotes in the first hour! Congrats on your launch btw.
Lily Mae Anderson
Launched last week and it was a whirlwind! Tons of great feedback and customer signups. A few minor hiccups with our servers but nothing major. Overall a really positive experience. The PH community has been super supportive. My main takeaway is to prep as much as possible in advance - assets, messaging, outreach, etc. And leverage your network to help spread the word. Also, make sure you're engaged and responsive in the discussions. People appreciate when you take the time to thoughtfully address their questions and feedback. Good luck with your upcoming launch!
Edward Turner
Our launch went well overall! A few technical hiccups early on but we hit #3 Product of the Day. The key was building anticipation on social media in the weeks leading up to it. Having a solid onboarding flow and clear value prop on the PH page helped a ton with conversion too. Happy to share more specifics if you're curious!
Launching it tomorrow, will definitely share my experience here!