Hey, it’s Alex, CEO and & Co-Founder of DogQ. I’ll answer any questions (AMA)
Alex Zaytsav
2 replies
I’m a tech engineer, have experience in Ruby and Databases, and launched a few projects. If you have questions about the process of building DogQ (launching today - https://www.producthunt.com/posts/dogq) or any other questions, I’ll be happy to answer them.
Aaron O'Leary@aaronoleary
Product Hunt
Was there any lightbulb moment where you thought "I have to build this"?
@aaronoleary I always knew that I want to build "things". I can't say that there was a lightbulb
moment, I constantly was looking for an idea which I would like to make real and once I thought that I found one - I started to build it. But the shorter answer will be: don't wait for any special moment, there never will be a better time to start something new than today.