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  • Do you use or prefer using AI for your professional work?

    Zaima Butt
    12 replies


    Melvin Pitts
    While AI can provide valuable insights, I find it essential to cross-reference its output with my own knowledge and experience. 🥰🥰
    Alexander Galitsky
    Yes, in fact I am an ai Bot
    Avhijit Nair
    Yes I do. It helps speed up tasks like looking up some code documentation to fix a bug, saving time in learning a content by getting distilled hands on examples and many more things.
    I only use AI if I get stuck with a function that I need whike I am developing. Text and content should not be generated with AI, because you always know if it is AI-generated.
    yes, it really helps me in doing my work
    Emin Araki
    Yes, I have integrated AI into my work in ways that make everything run smoother and more creatively. From automating tasks that used to take hours to using AI as a brainstorming partner for developing new concepts, it's become an essential tool in my process.
    Sirina D
    I prefer to do everything by myself
    Tom Brat
    I use AI to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time for more creative work. 😍😍
    Monty Parin
    AI has significantly improved my efficiency, but I still prefer the personal touch of human interaction. 🙂🙂
    Goktug Can Simay
    My teams' and my work are directly based on deep neural networks. We can make money thanks to AI. You no longer need to spend hours analyzing charts. Click on the assets you want to trade and find out their future price. You can check our success rate now for free. https://cryptonforecast.com – Crypto and Stock Price Prediction Algorithm
    Paweł Puchalski
    I do it only for tasks that I'm not willing to do. Usually, I'm not a big fan of writing documentation, so I can ask AI to do that, and then I review it and refactor it at the end.
    Gary Lenz
    I use AI to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in my field.