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  • Can you tell me about the AI-powered tools you're using?

    Amy Walsh
    9 replies
    I use Seventh Sense uses AI algorithms to optimize email send times for individual recipients based on their historical engagement behavior. By analyzing a recipient's email opening patterns, click-through rates, and other factors, Seventh Sense can determine the optimal time to send an email to maximize the chances of engagement. This approach can help businesses improve their email marketing ROI by increasing open rates, click-through rates, and overall conversions. Additionally, Seventh Sense provides detailed analytics and insights to help marketers better understand their audience and make data-driven decisions about their email campaigns. Overall, Seventh Sense offers a unique and effective approach to email marketing optimization that can help businesses stay ahead of the curve and drive more revenue from their email campaigns.


    Iya Mendoza
    • ChatGPT
    • - for writing purposes
    • Instant Logo
    • logo design maker
    • Jasper
    • - same as ChatGPT
    • And other built-in Ai-tools like Quillbot and Notion.
    Richard Gao
    Currently using evoke-app.com We host open source AI models on the cloud accessible through API for devs and businesses building AI apps. Mostly focusing on image generation for now
    Anastasia Reich
    Grammarly, Chat GDP, and internally in our team, we use our own AI product Sense โ€” Your Artificial Memory. We launched just NOW๐ŸŽ‰ Check it out and support us if interested ๐Ÿ’œ
    John Koo
    ChatGPT, Wordtune, Shutterstock
    Nilan Saha
    Midjourney - AI Art ChatGPT - Articulate ideas and help me think NotionAI - As a writing assistant
    Trey Chong
    Instant Logo Design
    Instant Logo Design
    ChatGBT, DALLE, Copy.ai, Logomakerr.ai, Chatsite.ai