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  • Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Does it help in your work?

    Olena Bomko
    97 replies


    In my childhood I was always an introvert. Then I moved into leadership roles and got more extroverted. Now I think I can switch quite easily - depending on the task. But beware: when I'm in deep introvert work if you disturb me, then I'll get angry πŸ˜„
    Serhii Yelbaiev
    One day I'm introvert, another - extrovert πŸ€“
    Serhii Yelbaiev
    Hey @olenabomko, I have a solution for that - try talking to new people more often. Let's have a chat and fix it. I'll DM you on X πŸ˜‰
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Introvert – many people think that I am extroverted because I speak to the camera or attend events. But it is a lot of time and energy. πŸ˜ƒ I sometimes wish to be more extroverted to present myself. Many things would be easier for me like addressing people, "sales activities", etc. On the other hand, being introverted is a good thing cause you are a good listener of other people. A teacher in high school once told me that I didn't look like someone who would kick down doors and go interview people. Because I told her I wanted to be a journalist. She didn't mean it badly, she was right, but it's a paradox that my first job after graduating from college was in the media as an editor. πŸ˜ƒ Now, I interview people on my own.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @busmark_w_nika Cool! I'm an extrovert with people I know. But I'm afraid to talk to new people :))
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @olenabomko Are you an extrovert in general? I have been thinking all the time that I am asocial cause I was not popular either in kindergarten, elementary, or secondary school... the thing was that I started to meet up with other people and that was the thing. When you are in a group of random people (school) you are more likely to not find your "partners in crime". When you pick up your group you realise that you are sociable because you are friends with the right people.
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @busmark_w_nika Now I think I'm an omnivert. Omniverts are people who experience extremes in introversion and extraversion.
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    Where's my introverted gang? πŸ™‚ Sorry extroverted people, we like you too! What about yourself Olenka?
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @jgani Now I think I'm an omnivert. Omniverts are people who experience extremes in introversion and extraversion.
    @ipaparazzo_app whats with the microphone in your hand?
    Huudle AI Project Assistant
    Intro but seems extro :D
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    Unofficial Product Hunt Chrome Plugin
    @parilti_erkan I guess that's a good combo to have? :D
    Mohammad Elzahaby
    I am an introvert but it helps to knowing so. It helps in telling myself to go beyond my walls and break free from limiting believes!
    Julia Zakharova
    I'm an introvert. Yeah, it helps in the work. After all, I'm an editor) I write in silence. But I will definitely be in touch if I need clarification or if it's an interview
    Harsh Vyas
    I'm ambivert but tend to be an extrovert at social events.
    Artyom Sviridov
    Introvert, which is challenging at times, but I'm ok with it :)
    @sviridov whats the challenge?
    Artyom Sviridov
    @philkellr For example: 1. Too much energy is spent when you're surrounded by people. 2. Way more difficult to speak publicly (and no, that's not shyness :D). 3. You need much more alone time just to recharge your mental batteries. 4. Not easy to make new acquaintances, and takes more time to adapt in a new team (for example, if you change jobs).
    Anna Starodub
    I'm definitely more of an introvert. And it's like having my own little superpower for getting stuff done! Because it gives me time to focus on my work without too much distraction to dive deep into tasks and come up with great solutions.
    Immersive Translate Bilingual Video
    I tend to lean towards introversion, Olena, which helps me focus deeply on work and think creatively. However, I've learned to embrace extroverted traits when teamwork and collaboration call for it!
    Igor Lysenko
    It's good to have such a "golden mean". On my own, I try to combine everything to make it comfortable to work.
    an introvert
    Pablo Roig
    Not trying to force to be an extrovert. But I believe is required most times in a professional environment, where we all look for ourselves.
    I'm an introvert. I like to find my own small space in the crowd so that I can work without any social interactions. I just need more "me" time.
    alex Ivanovski
    Highly depends on my mood. Very often i like to be alone and talk to no-one, but it is not always possible of course. If i had a good rest for example cause service write my essay for me in UK https://oxessays.com/write-my-essay, than i can be really bubbly and friendly to others. Happens often lately.
    Rohit Joshi
    Launching soon!
    I am neither extremely extroverted nor particularly introverted. I always seek opportunities to express myself when I feel things are perfect from my perspective and appropriate to the situation
    Jamie L
    AI Desk by Collov AI
    AI Desk by Collov AI
    I lean towards introversion, Olena, which helps me focus and delve deep into my projects. However, embracing extroverted traits when needed has been invaluable for networking and collaboration.
    im introvert so I chose to work with auto entrepreneur and startup so I don't have to see too many people. as we work in small team I feel like we have better connection which make the work better !
    Peter Hansen
    It depends on the context, but probably more introvert than extrovert. What about yourself, Olena?
    Olena Bomko
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook
    @trumpeter I'm an extrovert with people I know. But I'm afraid to talk to new people :))