Anyone re-doing their FB ads after the recent changes?

Nathan May
1 reply
I've noticed in mobile apps (and some friends in ecomm flagged as well) Facebook's open targeting has been getting WAY better. I've switched to open targeting and I get CACs the same or better than before with much lower ad ops. The theory is their creative optimization is becoming strong enough that they're able to build much more specific audiences around *your* creative vs. the other way around where you're jamming creative across a finite list of interest groups. What it means for me: I'm letting my creative do the targeting, making sure it speaks to a VERY specific person at a VERY particular level of product awareness. For example - Creative test 1: Founder trying to grow their product revenue via a personal brand on IG Creative test 2: Creator not sure why hashtags/trending sounds aren't helping them get more followers Dramatically different hooks / product features introduced in these. How are you guys currently running targeting?


Developer X
Thank you for notify. Let me check changes.