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    • AthleteMinder
    • Coach integrates with conversation intelligence tools to give sales reps expert feedback on every sales call - just like a manager.
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      Wonderway COACH
    • Take control of your launch by A/B testing different variations of your ProductHunt launch page and drive higher engagement and conversions. IndieZebra, helps you to stand out from the competition and access to your maximum potential.
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    • Looking to start an online store or marketplace? Marketsy.ai can whip up a complete e-commerce solution in just a few seconds via a single prompt. Say goodbye to the hassle of building your own website - let AI do the heavy lifting for you.
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    • Big growth in startups invites big disputes, refunds & cancellations. Introducing Settl - your now go-to platform to manage disputes by yourself (negotiation), let us mediate (arbitration) or escalate to court (litigation).
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